You comparing HILLARY CLINTON’s email controversy to General Petraeus’ willful sharing of classified government material with his paramour (who by the way was also his biographer) and stating that it wasn’t fair to the General is, in the least, ridiculous. You should understand that he knew he was sharing the classified information with someone who is not authorized to get, and lied about it. And, also understand TRUMP, the darling of conservatives and warmongers, General Petraeus, was spared jail by none other than Obama appointee, Attorney General Eric Holder. You probably were pipe dreaming that HILLARY would be taken out of fray and that you would be the sole presidential candidate so that you could become the President uncontested! The first time, at least President George W Bush contested even as he got fewer popular votes and a lot of help from the Supreme Court. Sorry, your pipe dream would remain just that – a hollow pipe dream!

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