Your new hotel in Florida looks nice and the backdrop was nice too. The backdrop, by the way, consisted of folks (can I say captive audience given that they work for your hotel) whom you disparaged not so long ago. I am not talking about these exact folks but Hispanics when you characterized them in unthinkable ways. Now you suddenly fell in love with them? WOW! And even there you showed your arrogance by saying “you are fired” in a jocular way, of course, but displaying an utter lack of sensitivity. Do you really think you would get a chunk of votes from Hispanics and African Americans with your late antics? Here is what I think – the folks that were the backdrop to your speech at your new hotel were polite to you and said they support you. But I doubt if they actually vote for you, if at all they can vote in the first place.

And, you talked about Obama Care and said or implied that the folks behind are squeezed financially by the medical insurance they have with Obama Care. I wonder why you left them to Obama Care if that is so bad for your workers? Wait a minute, later on in the speech, you suggested that your workers (the folks standing loyally behind you) were taken care well (in the wellness area, if I may add). You can’t have it both ways. Did you learn later, after your speech, a hotel official mentioned that most folks who were standing behind you do not have Obama Care based insurance? Enough Said!

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