I heard of your legendary leadership at FOX NEWS and how you brought it to life with all its popularity and very high rating as a cable news enterprise. That is laudable even if I don’t agree with the unbelievable bias based discussions that pervade the shows that FOX NEWS hosts. However, I was stunned by the allegations by GRETCHEN CARLSON regarding your sexual harassment of her. Allegations can be made by anyone, on anyone, on pretty much anything. However, if such allegations were made on someone like you, a powerful media person, you would fight back with the backing of your bosses if those allegations are not true. But you didn’t and meekly left (with a $40 Million from your bosses). Now I have to be on the side of GRETCHEN CARLSON and a few other FOX NEWS women employees (former or current, including MEGYN KELLY) and believe their narratives rather than your defense (which wasn’t directly yours but your lawyers’). Very unfortunate that FOX NEWS, thanks to you, while on top with its viewership ratings was also a sexual predatory enterprise for women who work there with your one-man showmanship. How pathetic!

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