In your recent meeting with DEMOCRATS and REPUBLICANS, you said guns should be seized before any due process. And you slapped on the face of the REPUBLICANS by implying that they were petrified by the NRA. Well done! Now the question is, would you follow up on gun control etc.? And I was wondering, as soon after, you met with the NRA and lo and behold, any gun control proposals seemed to have gone no where. But bravo, nevertheless for talking some sense into the REPUBLICANS. Keep it up.


I am glad you stood for the Douglas High school victims proposing increasing the minimum age for buying guns and banning the sale of the bump stocks. It is indeed courageous to stand up to the pathetic NRA. And also glad that you stood up to TRUMP on his hilarious proposal to arm teachers in schools. Best Wishes!


Guns to teachers, really? Don’t they have enough to do in the school already! If they get to be trained in guns and handling the horrendous gun based mass violence, they might as well want to be in law enforcement. There is a reason why they are teachers! BTW, when an armed law enforcement personnel, the Sheriff’s Deputy, could not do a crap to the mass shooting in the Florida Douglas High in Parkland, do you really expect teachers to take care of such situations? Pathetic! Enough Said!


I am normally amazed at the way KELLY ANN CONWAY and SARAH HUCKABEE SANDERS respond to tough and often indefensible questions by “twisting” the conversation around. You seem to be one up over them. Maybe you should have been a little more forthright when you pushed back on the proposal to raise the minimum age for buying semi-automatic rifles by going after TRUMP who in fact suggested the same. BTW, how is background checks on gun buyers affect the 2nd Amendment? You touted that you (the NRA) were the ones who introduced the background checks and that you attributed the failure of it to whoever is administering it. Well, then what is your problem if the background checks are made applicable in gun shows and such so that criminal and “mentally” affected folks can be prevented from purchasing guns that often end up in killing innocent people.

You were so concerned about law abiding gun owners who own guns for legitimate purposes! If they are law abiding and use the guns for legitimate purposes, then they shouldn’t worry about background checking. A majority of them, in fact, welcome background checks because they have nothing to hide. Do you know to drive a car, you need a license and your background could be checked for getting one? I am really glad your NRA is going to dogs – what with the big sponsors withdrawing their support to it! Enough Said!


Shame on you that you folks, at least most of you, get a one sided, biased memo declassified for political purposes and keeping your boss happy. You know who I am referring when calling out your boss. I thought the legislative branch is an independent entity from the executive branch. But you folks, OMG! If you really have guts and want the truth to come out, why don’t you get the Democratic memo declassified as well. And let people see the truth! Enough Said!


When you were asked by a reporter if you would fire the DOJ Deputy Attorney General ROD ROSENSTEIN, you replied “you figure that out”. Well, they would figure it out but then when they do, you would say “fake news”. Why do you want fake news to figure out as important a thing as firing a Deputy Attorney General? Enough Said!


Today I watched you in the ABC Sunday political show, THIS WEEK. I know you were the star of the PRESIDENT CLINTON investigation. You definitely know a thing or two about how the process of a special council or independent council investigating a president works. However, should I say it was an irony that you were pretty much siding with President TRUMP, kind of against ROBERT MUELLER whereas you didn’t have any qualms about aggressively “trying” PRESIDENT CLINTON even if the original scope of your investigative mandate was far different from including the MONICA LEWINSKY scandal. I am glad MARTHA RADDATZ, who conducted THIS WEEK today, brought in your statement during the PRESIDENT CLINTON era about lying as cause for impeachment – lying not just under oath but lying to the American people. You agreed to it in the show even as you were tussling with DAN ABRAMS just moments earlier. Now a couple of questions to you is, did TRUMP lie to the American people (as President) on anything and if so, does that constitute an impeachable offense? Enough Asked and Enough Said too!


Wow, government shut down on your one year anniversary as president. Well that is a great point for you to tout. I know you can easily twist it as a good thing just like your son ERIC TRUMP was calling it so. You are a great deal maker aren’t you? You wrote the book on deals – what is it called? Yeah, “The art of the deal”. What happened to your “dealership” abilities? Has Twitter attenuated your abilities of deal making? Have you seen your approval ratings by the people of the US.? Enough Said!