After you met with former President Bill Clinton, it looks like you succumbed to the media hype on possible conflict of interest regarding HILLARY CLINTON’s ongoing emails’ investigation. If your conscience is clear, as you described what transpired in your meeting as purely social/grandchildren kind of courtesy talk, then you shouldn’t really care what the media says. You went on to say that you wouldn’t do it again (i.e., have such a meeting as happened with President Bill Clinton). But you already did it once and it is unlikely there would be another. If you are so concerned about the integrity of the process in that you wouldn’t want even the appearance of any conflict of interest, then you should have declined the meeting in the first place. And more over you announced that you would abide by the FBI’s recommendations which I think is absurd. It is after all your responsibility to advise potential changes to the recommendations if so warranted and also that it is the integrity of the office that requires that you don’t publicly state what you would and wouldn’t do on the FBI’s potential report.