Your were talking about nullifying the BIRTHRIGHT CITIZENSHIP CLAUSE in the 14th AMENDMENT. Shameful! Even more absurd is your wish to pass an EXECUTIVE ORDER to that effect. Maybe you should have some lessons on the US CONSTITUTION. If you really want to end it, extend it to even those with one parent that is not a US CITIZEN. That will affect your kid. But you won’t do it. While there may be a few cases of folks wanting to give birth on US soil and achieve it by traveling to US at an opportune time (which I condemn), you cannot deny US CITIZENSHIP to all the kids born in US. I am waiting for your EXECUTIVE ORDER! Bring it on! And I am still waiting for your wall!
Category Archives: TellYouWhat
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North Dakota Voter ID Law
I heard about requiring a postal address to be able to vote in North Dakota. If a voter is fulfilling all the requirements such as, need to be a US Citizen, State resident etc., I don’t see any reason to require a postal address as long as they have a PO Box or some way to verify that they live in the precinct where they are voting. What if someone is a homeless person, been living on the streets forever, do you prevent them from voting just because they don’t have a home? That is absurd! And this address requirement law particularly affects NATIVE AMERICANS, many of whom do not have a postal address other than a PO Box one. I know as America evolved, more people, be they AFRICAN AMERICANS, WOMEN etc., were legally brought into the voting fold. If anyone deserves to vote, it is the NATIVE AMERICANS who lived in these lands “forever”. So, NORTH DAKOTA, change your damn law requiring a postal address and enable, who are otherwise legal to vote, to vote.
I caught on to watching ABC World News Tonight when PETER JENNINGS was the anchor. Since his departure (may his soul rest in peace), I stuck on to ABC World News Tonight all the way to you being the anchor now. I like the fast pace of your covering of the news although I sometimes wonder why you refer to a news item multiple times before you show it when its length of coverage is less than when you were referring to it each time before. A second thing that I noticed I wanted to mention it to you is the number of times you say TONIGHT. I understand, your program is ABC World News Tonight and no wonder you need to refer to TONIGHT as part of the news coverage. But still I thought it is one too many times you say TONIGHT. So, TONIGHT – I am just copying you – I counted the number of times you said TONIGHT. And the number is 47. That is not counting 7 times your correspondents mentioned TONIGHT – they averaged about one each. I just wanted to point the TONIGHT thing out but don’t worry, I still watch ABC World News TONIGHT!
I was surprised that you guys still aired the ALEC BALDWIN show after his arrest over him punching a driver on a parking spot dispute. I am surprised because the networks, of late, seem to be more sensitive to infractions by their hosts/guests. Remember, MEGAN KELLY’s show was cancelled recently by NBC? How can you feature someone who is as aggressive as ALEC BALDWIN? What if he punches someone in the studio crew who didn’t get a correct angle of his expression when taping the show? ENOUGH SAID!
People do know your checkered background but recognize your talents, particularly your depiction in SNL as TRUMP. Now I wonder if you are inspired by TRUMP! Recently TRUMP at a Montana rally touted that it was good to have the Senate candidate in Montana by one’s side because he was good at body slamming. Well you seem no different – may be, TRUMP will embrace you. Of course, you didn’t body slam but punch a car driver as a road rage reaction. Really? Now I wonder if SNL wants you. They can always find someone to fit anyone – for example, KATE MCKINNON as JEFF SESSIONS. Enough Said!
You are great! Like me, I am sure a whole lot of people would have been moved by your story – your passion to run notwithstanding your cerebral palsy. You are brave and an inspiration to everyone. I am really happy that Nike has signed you up as a professional athlete. Best Wishes!
Learn from your colleague, SENATOR HEIDI HEITKAMP, who is in a similar position as you are being a DEMOCRATIC SENATOR in a RED STATE! Make a decision Senator, one way or the other. You seem to be clearly wanting to hold on to your Senate seat. But think about your conscience.
Kudos to you for taking a strong position on KAVANAUGH nomination in spite of a potential for losing your Senate seat! I wish the FLAKEs, the MANCHINs, the COLLINSs and the MURKOWSKIs get inspired by you and not sit on the fence and bite on water in their mouths but take a position, one way or the other.
I appreciate your last minute “diktat” to the US SENATE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE REPUBLICANS to investigate CHRISTINE BLASEY FORD’s allegations on KAVANAUGH. That was all good but do you realize that it was not limited to the the prime actors (CHRISTINE BLASEY FORD and KAVANAUGH) as you seemed to have wanted? Also, the FBI didn’t even take the full week to complete the investigation. Now I am wondering, was this a charade of you asking for the investigation when it is not even held to your own terms as completed? I am asking this because you seem to be satisfied with the investigation. Really?
It looks like, while the President has to authorize an FBI investigation, that you can set the terms of the investigation. From SENATOR JEFF FLAKE’s pleading, after the elevator “encounter” with a sexual assault woman who chided him, to have the FBI investigation for a week and relative to KAVANAUGH and CHRISTINE BLASEY FORD, all the FBI seemed to have done is to not talk to KAVANAUGH and CHRISTINE BLASEY FORD while completing the investigation by end of Wednesday (October 3rd, 2018). Isn’t that stupid? What are you guys afraid of?