I heard your speech, and prior to it, your answer on your speech script to a reporter. You said you wrote it. And in your speech I heard you saying some sentences or paragraphs with the exact words that the current first lady of the United States used in her address some 8 years ago. Now if we take your word that you did write your speech, it is a miracle that you unbeknownst to yourself, had the exact words (in some sentences or paragraphs, of course) of Michelle Obama. WOW! And if we were to take the word of your husband’s campaign spiel, then you haven’t spoken truthfully to the reporter. Mm, what should we believe? I will leave it there. Since, have seen enough trolling, late night comedy skits etc on your plagiarizing (at least, partly) of Michelle Obama’s speech text.
Category Archives: TellYouWhat
This is the default category for the user (hopefully pres-elected) for them so that they can write and publish their TellYouWhat.
You comparing HILLARY CLINTON’s email controversy to General Petraeus’ willful sharing of classified government material with his paramour (who by the way was also his biographer) and stating that it wasn’t fair to the General is, in the least, ridiculous. You should understand that he knew he was sharing the classified information with someone who is not authorized to get, and lied about it. And, also understand TRUMP, the darling of conservatives and warmongers, General Petraeus, was spared jail by none other than Obama appointee, Attorney General Eric Holder. You probably were pipe dreaming that HILLARY would be taken out of fray and that you would be the sole presidential candidate so that you could become the President uncontested! The first time, at least President George W Bush contested even as he got fewer popular votes and a lot of help from the Supreme Court. Sorry, your pipe dream would remain just that – a hollow pipe dream!
You guys are absolutely pathetic committing a crime or crimes following an alleged crime to escape from police chasing after you while driving. You are jeopardizing innocent lives on the road with your aggressive driving running away from police. Give it up. You can’t really escape and your rap sheet just gets bigger.
After you met with former President Bill Clinton, it looks like you succumbed to the media hype on possible conflict of interest regarding HILLARY CLINTON’s ongoing emails’ investigation. If your conscience is clear, as you described what transpired in your meeting as purely social/grandchildren kind of courtesy talk, then you shouldn’t really care what the media says. You went on to say that you wouldn’t do it again (i.e., have such a meeting as happened with President Bill Clinton). But you already did it once and it is unlikely there would be another. If you are so concerned about the integrity of the process in that you wouldn’t want even the appearance of any conflict of interest, then you should have declined the meeting in the first place. And more over you announced that you would abide by the FBI’s recommendations which I think is absurd. It is after all your responsibility to advise potential changes to the recommendations if so warranted and also that it is the integrity of the office that requires that you don’t publicly state what you would and wouldn’t do on the FBI’s potential report.
While you are a Senate Majority Leader by virtue of being a Republican, you still are a leader of the Senate with responsibilities serving the country. Unfortunately, you have shown more partisanship than leadership that the country deserves specifically when it comes to giving the due process to a Supreme Court nominee. Just set up the nomination hearings for Judge Merrick Garland and let the process take care of itself. You will be glad you have done that. Should HILLARY CLINTON become the President, the future appointee would be pretty liberal, watch my words, and all the conservatives would wish Judge Garland had been on the bench.
Missed you guys’ vitriol on anything Obama and Hillary as we got rid of Cable due to cost cutting. Just happened to watch you in a hotel room and was surprised to find that you are literally eating dust as you try to balance your hatred toward anything liberal and your varied support of TRUMP even as he lambasted you guys including targeting specific individuals during the debating season. What a terrible position you guys are in including the inability of Bill O’Reilly to stop TRUMP’s rants on Syrian refugees, etc.
Do you really need to call someone who is breastfeeding a hungry baby a “whore”? Did your mother breastfeed you when you were a baby? Think about that time and what would it be like if a jerk like you encountered your hunger satiating activity! Shame on you!
Republican Leaders
Now that you guys are cornered by TRUMP and that you don’t have a choice to get a nominee of your choice, you are acting like virtual crybabies. There is a saying in the Telugu language that one doesn’t want the snake to die yet also not want the stick to break. You pretend to be reprimanding TRUMP yet cajoling him. If you guys (gals included) consider yourselves to be principled, stick to the principles. Or unconditionally support your Republican nominee independent of his position and ranting on a host of things that you tend to disagree with based on your conservative principles. Shame on you that you call your party as the party of Lincoln, yet side with a guy who disparages folks of different races other than his own.
You have had a great run in the primary campaign. Sorry that you think you still are in it. You say you are supporting HILLARY, yet you profess to remain in the campaign. Come on! Give it up, or don’t but not be in the middle, indirectly keeping the Democratic party divided. Congratulations on a great “movemental” run, though!
You were very effective when speaking extempore, whether you are making sense or not, but suddenly what changed your heart to rely on the teleprompter? I guess you couldn’t control the crap that comes out of your mouth. Or, is it that the REPUBLICAN ESTABLISHMENT is controlling you?