Two different statements on two different people, one on HILLARY and the other on TRUMP. In one you were critical of HILLARY because she did not disclose her health situation – you were referring to her pneumonia revelation following her health scare episode on the 9/11 Anniversary gathering in New York. In the other, you invoked privacy rights for TRUMP so that he didn’t need to disclose his health records. You seem to be conning your way into privacy advocacy – WOW! BTW, no pun intended!
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WOW! You were quick to criticize HILLARY on her “half of your supporters are a basket of deplorables statement”. But do you remember what you said about Hispanics, Muslims etc? Don’t apply a different standard to your opponent. Oh, I see, she is a woman. I got it!
It looks like you are catching up with TRUMP’s rhetoric saying half of his supporters are a basket of deplorables. I know you regretted saying the term “half”. Well I may have advised you before that it is best not to throw a stone on wet mud (you may replace mud with something more mushy and pungent) because it splinters back on you. May be it’s come to a point that it is best to match your opponent in kind. Who knows!
I was appalled by what you said on a Sunday political talk show which was that “until the war is over, anything is legal”. Well if that were the case, there would be no war crimes whatsoever. No Nazi who participated in the genocide of Jews would have been prosecuted. Some wretched leaders in Africa who indulged in atrocities would have gone scot-free. Yugoslav/Serbian leaders Slobodan Milosevic and Radovan Karadzic would likely have wreaked havoc for a long time in their part of Europe. Think over it!
“This is our country, this is our airport.” No one disputed that! Who put you in that position at the airport – it just shows how uncultured you are when PRESIDENT OBAMA arrived in China! It was reported that a Tweet was deleted by the US Defense Intelligence Agency that read “Classy as always China.” If I were the Tweeter, I would have tweeted “Uncouth as always China.” Classy gives too much credence! I hope you are dismissed by now!
Your insulting of PRESIDENT OBAMA shows how cheap you are! I don’t know how the heck your last name is pronounced but it would be apt if it were to be pronounced “dirty”. You are nothing but that! May be your mom didn’t teach you how to speak! I am so sorry for the Filipinos to have a vulgar mouth like you as their president. I hope they will change their mind in the next elections. But then thugs like you sometimes dictate rather than govern – we will see!
I learned about flipflopping when JOHN KERRY was running against President Bush in 2004. At that time I felt sorry for JOHN KERRY as his so called flipflopping was exploited to the extent that he couldn’t recover from a downfall in his campaign and subsequently lost to President Bush. Now that I see how you flipflop on your “immigration policy”, I wonder how many flip-flops were worn out? I can’t believe that folks who support you can’t see that you say something at one place and say a completely different thing, contradicting the first thing you said, at a different place and then go on to say the first thing at a totally different place. I am glad, at least, ANN COULTER had the temerity to criticize you on your softening stand on immigration (albeit, temporarily). Interpreting why she criticized can be material for a different TELLYOUWHAT. BTW, you didn’t have guts to openly say in Mexico what you have been delivering in front of your “captive” audiences! Enough Said!
I was appalled when I heard you invited TRUMP to your country for a dialog. Then I was thinking that you invited him just in case he would become the President of the United States. Because then you would be in his good books for whatever reason. And once TRUMP left for States, I heard you characterized what transpired between you and TRUMP regarding the potential payer for the wall that he wanted to build bordering Mexico and the United States as a lie by him. Did you really have to experience him first hand to realize that he could lie? Don’t you follow the news about him and by him on American media and the social media at large? I am glad you learned your lesson! And I am sure you deserve the criticism by your country’s former president Vicente Fox.
I saw you on one of Sunday morning talk shows today looking trumped when asked about TRUMP’s flipflopping positions on immigration. And you went on to defend TRUMP irrespective of whether he is for a hard stance on the 11 million people who are in the country illegally or for a soft stance. Actually you looked no different from the way BOBBY MOYNIHAN did on SNL in an episode that they repeated last night (Saturday 27th of August, 2016). Now that your chances of being picked as TRUMP’s running mate are gone, it looks like you are eyeing for the US AG nomination should TRUMP win. I think that is a pipe dream. Enough Said!
I saw you on one of Sunday morning talk shows today looking trumped when asked about TRUMP’s flipflopping positions on immigration. It’s sad that you couldn’t explain his differing positions as his campaign manager. And when asked about TRUMP’s Tweet on Dwayne Wade’s cousin’s shooting death in Chicago seeking African American votes you clearly avoided a direct response but diverted to TRUMP’s follow-up Tweet condoling the death. Really, TRUMP is so moved by someone dying in Chicago that he took to Twitter to condole?