Category Archives: TellYouWhat

This is the default category for the user (hopefully pres-elected) for them so that they can write and publish their TellYouWhat.


Make up your mind and strive to vote – just go to the polling booth, or if you are lucky to be in a state where you can mail your vote, do it. But please vote no matter who you support. And remember, apart from the Presidential vote, there could be a bunch of others that, perhaps, affect you more. So please vote! Just look at the countries around the world and understand how many of those even allow their citizens to vote! It’s your privilege and make good use of it. And avoid selfies please! Sorry JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE!


Loved your appearance on the JIMMY KIMMEL show on Monday! Which world leader, especially one as powerful as the PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES, can be such a sport? Hats off to you, sir!


I say your speech at the campaign rally for MAGGIE HASSAN was right on as a fitting reply to TRUMP’s charade against HILLARY calling her “nasty” in the third presidential debate. I love the tit for tat responses you give to TRUMP’s “whatever” even as you do wonderful work in the US SENATE.


I was watching your interview with JOHN DICKERSON of CBS where the topic of electoral rigging and fraud came up based on TRUMP’s accusation of the same. I just couldn’t believe your response. Actually, now if I think about it, I don’t even know what the heck you said. You were just responding in such a confused way, I doubt if you can recall what you exactly said to JOHN DICKERSON’s questions. And you are heading RNC, the party of LINCOLN?


Your new hotel in Florida looks nice and the backdrop was nice too. The backdrop, by the way, consisted of folks (can I say captive audience given that they work for your hotel) whom you disparaged not so long ago. I am not talking about these exact folks but Hispanics when you characterized them in unthinkable ways. Now you suddenly fell in love with them? WOW! And even there you showed your arrogance by saying “you are fired” in a jocular way, of course, but displaying an utter lack of sensitivity. Do you really think you would get a chunk of votes from Hispanics and African Americans with your late antics? Here is what I think – the folks that were the backdrop to your speech at your new hotel were polite to you and said they support you. But I doubt if they actually vote for you, if at all they can vote in the first place.

And, you talked about Obama Care and said or implied that the folks behind are squeezed financially by the medical insurance they have with Obama Care. I wonder why you left them to Obama Care if that is so bad for your workers? Wait a minute, later on in the speech, you suggested that your workers (the folks standing loyally behind you) were taken care well (in the wellness area, if I may add). You can’t have it both ways. Did you learn later, after your speech, a hotel official mentioned that most folks who were standing behind you do not have Obama Care based insurance? Enough Said!


I have been patient with your great resistance to TRUMP’s onslaught on you in terms of his verbal arrogance. It is time you give back to him in kind! Please, for every instance he calls you CROOKED HILLARY, please refer him as DIRTY DONALD. It is just a tit for tat, we all understand who started it first. Please consider it! Thank you!


I am disappointed! Thought you wouldn’t unendorse TRUMP after his filthy video, crap talking on women. You seemed disgusted about it, canceled a possible joint campaign event and kind of condemned TRUMP. But, there is always a but, you won’t say you are not voting for TRUMP. Come on SPEAKER, you are better than that. He is going all out on you calling you “weak and ineffective”. Isn’t that enough for you to unendorse him? SENATOR MCCAIN at least was forthright and announced that he wouldn’t vote for TRUMP. Think about you being the laughing stock as your own party’s nominee for the highest office in the land is mocking and rejecting you! Enough Said!


To say in one word, what you did to an unarmed man whose vehicle broke in the middle of the road, is abhorrent. I wonder how you got police licenses that you can’t approach another human in need, leave alone talk and help. And don’t excuse yourself with “he was not following instructions” like cry babies. All humans may not have good auditory acuity – have you ever thought that the guy might not be able to hear well. Whether that is true or not, can’t you think in those lines to humanize a situation. I understand that you would want to be trigger happy if the situation warrants such as a subject has a weapon or acting violent. For God’s sake, he was unarmed. I hope, moving forward, you guys will get some training from NJ PD whose officers, despite a shootout with the BOMBING SUSPECT RAHAMI, managed to not kill him even as they were injured themselves. That’s called responsible and heroic policing – not killing an unarmed man after belittling him verbally into your communication equipment, like you guys did. And I forgot, you guys have actually tazed the person before killing him. Enough Said!


It was no surprise that you take advantage of tragedies like the explosion in NY by the BOMBING SUSPECT RAHAMI. You referred to freedom of speech as cause of such terror activities – that I think is real low. Think about it – if you didn’t have freedom of speech, you wouldn’t have said all that trash on a host of people and things. Hmm, now I wonder is it worth that the freedom of speech enables trash talking by people like you? I am, of course, joking and for sure I wouldn’t be able to write a “TELLYOUWHAT” like I am doing now.


Shame on you. You are like a snake biting the hand that served you milk! You are given citizenship of the United States and you back stab it? You are fortunate that there will be a trial rather than summary execution which so often is implemented in countries in the region from where you originally came. Once the trial is over and you get convicted, very hopefully, I would add, I would like to see you stripped of your naturalized US Citizenship – a privilege you don’t deserve!