I was amazed when I heard you were still building (physically participating in the activity) as part of the HABITAT FOR HUMANITY PROGRAM at the age of 92. Truly inspiring, Sir. You are one of the rarest and noble humans that I have heard of. Best wishes to you and Mrs. Carter!
All posts by Sri
Thank you for the site. Seems unique; appreciate outlining the steps as well as the known issues. We are sure to let you know if we have any suggestions to improve as well as pointing out any issues we come across as we use. Best Wishes!
“You who assume that you have at last found the best religion, or rather the best teachers, and fixed your credulity upon them, how do you know that they are the best among those who have taught religions, or now teach, or shall hereafter teach them? Have you examined all those religions, ancient and modern, which are taught here, in India, and all the world over? And even supposing that you have duly examined them, how do you know that you have chosen the best?” – SPINOZA
Note that the TELLYOUWHAT in quotes above is from the book “The Story of Philosophy” by Will Durant in a chapter on philosopher SPINOZA. The quote is attributed to philosopher SPINOZA whose former pupil ALBERT BURGH was. The context was that philosopher SPINOZA was being chastised for his atheistic views by ALBERT BURGH who had been converted to Catholicism and that philosopher SPINOZA was replying to ALBERT BURGH’s criticism.
“You assume that you have at last found the true philosophy. How do you know that your philosophy is the best of all those which have been taught in the world, are now taught, or shall be taught hereafter? To say nothing of what may be devised in the future. Have you examined all those philosophies, both ancient and modern, which are taught here, in India, and all the world over? And even supposing that you have duly examined them, how do you know that you have chosen the best? … How dare you set yourself up above all the patriarchs, prophets, apostles, martyrs, doctors, and confessors of the Church? Miserable man and worm upon the earth you are, yea, ashes and food for worms, how can you, confront the eternal wisdom with your unspeakable blasphemy? What foundation have you for this rash, insane, deplorable, accursed doctrine? What devilish pride puffs you up to pass judgment on mysteries which Catholics themselves declare to be incomprehensible? Etc., etc.” – ALBERT BURGH
Note that the TELLYOUWHAT in quotes above is from the book “The Story of Philosophy” by Will Durant in a chapter on philosopher SPINOZA. The quote is attributed to an ALBERT BURGH, a former pupil of philosopher SPINOZA. The context was that philosopher SPINOZA was being chastised for his atheistic views by ALBERT BURGH who had been converted to Catholicism.
You are the scum of the society! Enough said!
Overall you guys may be doing an OK job but organizing Olympics is not about doing an OK job – it is about doing an excellent job. You guys cannot provide proper security to athletes – think of athletes being robbed at gun point! You guys cannot maintain quality in your infrastructure – think about one of the stadium entrance gates being pad locked and you needing to break the locks because you couldn’t find the keys or about the outdoor video camera falling on hapless folks and injuring them! Not sure what the standard for running races arena is but I would expect a cover from rain when the athletes are competing. It’s a shame that IOC chose Rio as the venue for the 2016 Olympics.
Homeowners who try to sell their homes sometimes set up open houses with the assistance of Realty folks. I have seen news videos of visitors who pretend to be potential buyers literally stealing things from such open houses. You guys are the dirt of societies. Enough Said!
I was looking at local news today on TV and it was reported that you guys trashed the Detroit Lake campsite. The scene of all the trash there looked horrific. It almost seemed like our family memories of visiting Detroit Lake several years back was robbed by vandal idiots like you. I hope you guys will be caught and punished to the fullest extent of the law and also banned from ever entering Detroit Lake or similar beautiful places.