All posts by Kaneez


I think of people being pathetic when they really are but I can’t just say that to you. Not sure what you are but you certainly are more than pathetic. I am glad you are exposed like a sexual predator that you are. I always wonder why some people go to jail for far less sexual criminal behavior and other pathetic people like you manage to go scott free.


You seem to be having the cake and eating it too! Come on, be brave just like as you called out on TRUMP and sticking to what you said by fighting the suspension rather than meekly accepting it. You are part of the media and suspension for such tweets policy of ESPN is to say the least ridiculous. If the policy were to be strictly enforced, they should require you to take those words back. But they are not – so it looks like they are having the cake and eating it too.


Wow, that was great you had a chance to roast TRUMP at the Al Smith Dinner event. Do you really have to hide behind such events to say the things you were saying? Couldn’t you do the same openly? Or, are you scared of TRUMP that he would turn against you when the congressional elections happen next year?


Some of you are really disgusting as you smoke with the window open and shaking the cigarette ash out. If you want to die smoking, just close all your windows; don’t kill others. And you probably know that you could potentially cause a wildfire when the conditions around where you drive, smoking and ashing out, are dry. There was one jerk of a smoking driver I noticed amongst you who was trying to ash out his cigarette through his Sun roof hole, perhaps not realizing the ash could fall right back on to his head.


I thought you took over the WH Chief of Staff job to clean up the mess there and the continuing mess of TRUMP himself. How unfortunate that you took the stage to defend your boss even as you castigated the Congresswoman from Florida over the phone conversation of TRUMP with Sgt. Johnson’s widow. I know you are between the rock and the hard place. Just check facts Gen. Kelly and if you have the guts, chide TRUMP and take back your ridiculous position of defending him on this issue.


You guys are disgusting because you don’t honor the white solid line and merge into or exit off a freeway over it, not considering the good drivers who patiently wait for their turn to do the same thing, merge or exit when the gaps line appears. Who gave you the drivers’ licenses, anyway. And another disgusting thing is that you guys (gals too) ram through the bike lane just so that you can get to the intersection quickly to turn right. Again those patiently waiting to get to the gaps line to legally merge and turn right will have to witness your illegal driving behavior. Thank goodness there were no bike riders in the bike lane as you ram through it, whenever I observed. Hope you get tickets every time you violate.


Congratulations on becoming WHITE HOUSE COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR! You seem to love everyone that you work with, particularly TRUMP. What happened? You had scathing comments on TRUMP both in TWITTER and in interviews. Just because he has given you a high profile job, you have forgotten all that? And that is transparency as you said you would adhere to as WHITE HOUSE COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR? Enough Said!


I read that you took a junior staffer’s mini refrigerator, when they were not in office, after they declined to give it to you when you asked. If that is true, that is pathetic! Hope you had a chance to return it duly filled, lean cuisine or otherwise, as you departed the WHITE HOUSE.