All posts by Kaneez


You seem to be carried away with all the drama going on regarding the immigration and the separation of kids from their parents. I appreciate your passion to defend the hapless immigration seekers. But unleashing your anger on those who work in the current administration who are doing their jobs and following the policies imposed in their functions, is in the least tasteless and irresponsible, especially you being the people’s representative. No wonder folks from your own party have criticized you for your reckless encouragement to harass the administration officials. Doing what you have done kind of equates you with the very people you are critical of. Enough Said!


A host of you ranging from CHRIS CHRISTIE to FRANK LUNTZ to ED HENRY to whoever else – how come you are suddenly sensitive to the P word when MICHELLE WOLF referred to it or something else she has said in the White House Correspondence Dinner event but were numb as dumb when TRUMP’s tape voicing grabbing by the P came to light? KATHY GRIFFIN called out the hypocrisy of you guys and rightly so.


Great comedy! Pretty incisive! Bold! Right on! Not sure why some folks are after you for your comic truths. I will send them a TELLYOUWHAT calling them MICHELLE WOLF CRITICS. But here I want to congratulate you for the great show. Congrats indeed!


Watching about your safety record and the silence of the FAA to deal with it, I wondered are we in a country that is just trying to fly i.e., introduce flights for the first time as means of transportation. The most despicable thing that I learnt from the CBS 60 MINUTES is that you fired a pilot for potentially saving the passengers by evacuating them. And you thought your assets were more important than the lives of the passengers who, in fact, provide the means for you to acquire those assets. Of course, what would you do? You buy planes that are second hand. I just wish all your flying customers (not just those who were in scary situations like bad landings, etc.) simply avoid your flights leading to your disappearances from the face of the earth and the skies too. Your employees, who are otherwise sincere, will sure find jobs elsewhere!


I had a chance to watch the CBS 60 MINUTES. I was amazed by your drive to have equal pay and other equal things for men and women. I really appreciate your relentless work toward parity between men and women at SALESFORCE even as you were discovering that the disparity continued after initial adjustments because of new acquisitions. Great work Mark. Best Wishes!


Horrible! Is it your culture STARBUCKS to get black customers arrested for sitting in your facilities and not yet bought anything? Do you do the same with every other customer who is yet to buy something from you? I am sure not! Why do you hire such despicable people like the lady who called police to get the two black gentlemen arrested? I know your CEO is trying to do some damage control with apologies and such. If I hear another instance anywhere similar to what happened at your Philadelphia store, I will strongly urge all customers to simply avoid STARBUCKS. You are overpriced anyways and there are other coffee shops that have much better coffee. Enough Said! For now!


Sad or should I say cruel, your action to fire former FBI Director ANDREW MCCABE just a couple of days before he could avail retirement benefits. Maybe, your boss TRUMP said you would be fired if you didn’t take this action. I know he still is unhappy with you for recusing yourself on the Russian probe leading to ROBERT MUELLER appointment as special council for the probe. Wondering, do you have a conscience just continuing in your position even as TRUMP belittles you, not to talk about SNL depicting you as ….. . Enough Said!


In your recent meeting with DEMOCRATS and REPUBLICANS, you said guns should be seized before any due process. And you slapped on the face of the REPUBLICANS by implying that they were petrified by the NRA. Well done! Now the question is, would you follow up on gun control etc.? And I was wondering, as soon after, you met with the NRA and lo and behold, any gun control proposals seemed to have gone no where. But bravo, nevertheless for talking some sense into the REPUBLICANS. Keep it up.


I am glad you stood for the Douglas High school victims proposing increasing the minimum age for buying guns and banning the sale of the bump stocks. It is indeed courageous to stand up to the pathetic NRA. And also glad that you stood up to TRUMP on his hilarious proposal to arm teachers in schools. Best Wishes!