Your nominating REPUBLICAN NATIONAL CONVENTION was to say the least, pathetic! All it had was plagiarism, self-boasting, fear mongering, belittling and more such negativities. And your party’s leaders like former Presidents and presidential nominees were conspicuous by their absence. Your acceptance speech was the highlight where you looked like a school kid reading text having just learned how to read. I thought you detested teleprompters and that you in fact criticized those in the DEMOCRATIC PARTY for using the teleprompters in their speeches. How come you could not speak extempore or at least a prepared speech without reading?
All posts by Kaneez
I can understand, just reading about GRETCHEN CARLSON’S sexual harassment experience vis-à-vis ROGER AILES that no one should go through that kind of crap. Why is it that you are still at FOX NEWS given that you told the investigating folks of the FOX NEWS parent company that you were sexually harassed by ROGER AILES? And I remember that after TRUMP called you names (I don’t want to repeat what he said, here) following the first REPUBLICAN DEBATE, you went on to actually interview him and patch up with him as if it was your fault. Come on Megyn, you are better than that! Or you must be extremely nice to accommodate anything and everything! Wondering why do you still stick on with FOX NEWS? Of course, ROGER AILES is no more there!
I have heard mixed reactions to the news about ROGER AILES, your former boss, by some of you gals. I understand you cannot say much about something that didn’t happen to you but I am sure your conscience tells you that GRETCHEN CARLSON was right vis-à-vis ROGER AILES. Then how could some of you defend this guy? At least come out now and make a collective statement on the “horror” called sexual harassment and lead to a better FOX NEWS!
There is no disputing that your “fair and balanced” catch phrase is very effective to those who are similarly fair and balanced like you are – very fair to those with your viewpoint and very balanced at that. I am wondering if you reported ROGER AILES’ recent sexual harassment woes, thanks to the brave GRETCHEN CARLSON, with as much vigor as you have gone after ANTHONY WEINER or someone else in the DEMOCRATIC PARTY who behaved badly like ROGER AILES?
Sexual harassment and other similar victims often get asked why didn’t you come forward when it happened or earlier! The askers are idiots and perhaps would change their “questionable wisdom” if they had fallen to victimhood themselves. Very commendable that you have come out sharing your experience of sexual harassment by ROGER AILES at FOX NEWS. It is an eye opener! There is nothing like teaching the so called powerful a lesson by exposing their disgusting behaviors. Best Wishes!
I heard of your legendary leadership at FOX NEWS and how you brought it to life with all its popularity and very high rating as a cable news enterprise. That is laudable even if I don’t agree with the unbelievable bias based discussions that pervade the shows that FOX NEWS hosts. However, I was stunned by the allegations by GRETCHEN CARLSON regarding your sexual harassment of her. Allegations can be made by anyone, on anyone, on pretty much anything. However, if such allegations were made on someone like you, a powerful media person, you would fight back with the backing of your bosses if those allegations are not true. But you didn’t and meekly left (with a $40 Million from your bosses). Now I have to be on the side of GRETCHEN CARLSON and a few other FOX NEWS women employees (former or current, including MEGYN KELLY) and believe their narratives rather than your defense (which wasn’t directly yours but your lawyers’). Very unfortunate that FOX NEWS, thanks to you, while on top with its viewership ratings was also a sexual predatory enterprise for women who work there with your one-man showmanship. How pathetic!
I heard your speech at RNC 2016. I appreciate your love for our dad and it is great that you have poured all those accolades to humanize him. But there is always a limit to blatant lying. You said how your dad respects women – all I ask is you sit with Megyn Kelly and get feedback from her on your dad’s behavior, albeit verbal. And I must admit Megyn Kelly was gracious enough to interview TRUMP even after his filthy verbal onslaught on her.
RNC 2016
Like any national convention for presidential nomination, you had drama which is well and good. Isn’t it a shame that you didn’t have your own party leaders, you may call them establishment, show any open support to TRUMP, your nominee. Because TRUMP has a big clan, he managed to get a lot of support in speeches from his children. Of course, lying Ted as TRUMP would call Ted Cruz, was at least truthful to his feelings toward the nominee and seemed to have spoken his conscience.
Following the revelation that MELANIA TRUMP plagiarized current first lady Michelle Obama’s speech, you guys started to report it in your evening newscast. Very well! But one thing you twisted in the context of reporting the plagiarizing by MELANIA TRUMP was that she borrowed the words from Michelle Obama. Sorry, when you borrow something from someone, you get what you borrow with the consent of the borrowee. I don’t think any such thing happened because neither MELANIA TRUMP nor the TRUMP campaign admitted it. Please don’t refine your verbiage just to placate someone. Please call a spade a spade, particularly you guys who are in the newscast business and often tout about the integrity of your journalism.
I heard your speech, and prior to it, your answer on your speech script to a reporter. You said you wrote it. And in your speech I heard you saying some sentences or paragraphs with the exact words that the current first lady of the United States used in her address some 8 years ago. Now if we take your word that you did write your speech, it is a miracle that you unbeknownst to yourself, had the exact words (in some sentences or paragraphs, of course) of Michelle Obama. WOW! And if we were to take the word of your husband’s campaign spiel, then you haven’t spoken truthfully to the reporter. Mm, what should we believe? I will leave it there. Since, have seen enough trolling, late night comedy skits etc on your plagiarizing (at least, partly) of Michelle Obama’s speech text.