“You who assume that you have at last found the best religion, or rather the best teachers, and fixed your credulity upon them, how do you know that they are the best among those who have taught religions, or now teach, or shall hereafter teach them? Have you examined all those religions, ancient and modern, which are taught here, in India, and all the world over? And even supposing that you have duly examined them, how do you know that you have chosen the best?” – SPINOZA
Note that the TELLYOUWHAT in quotes above is from the book “The Story of Philosophy” by Will Durant in a chapter on philosopher SPINOZA. The quote is attributed to philosopher SPINOZA whose former pupil ALBERT BURGH was. The context was that philosopher SPINOZA was being chastised for his atheistic views by ALBERT BURGH who had been converted to Catholicism and that philosopher SPINOZA was replying to ALBERT BURGH’s criticism.
An interesting TELLYOUWHAT from someone who lived a few centuries back. It is more of a reply TELLYOUWHAT to the TELLYOUWHAT he originally got. Thanks to the real user to provide this historical perspective on SPINOZA!