Admin’s TellYouWhat



You might find this site to be simple with a simple message on what it entails. We hope you become enthusiastic in participating in this site publishing your TellYouWhats and COMMENTs to others’ TellYouWhats. By no means this is a perfect site and may not have the sophistication of professionally run sites.

This is a completely idea driven and amateur operated “venture”. Thus you will for sure find issues in the site including a user experience that may not be perfect. As we move along, we hope to improve.  However, to have that happen, we sincerely would like user participation in writing TellYouWhats to the ADDRESSEEs of your choice, highlighting issues, experiences, helpful tips, advice etc. 

Feel free to make ADMIN your ADDRESSEE and write a TellYouWhat should you have any advice for us.

We appreciate your participation.