I learned about flipflopping when JOHN KERRY was running against President Bush in 2004. At that time I felt sorry for JOHN KERRY as his so called flipflopping was exploited to the extent that he couldn’t recover from a downfall in his campaign and subsequently lost to President Bush. Now that I see how you flipflop on your “immigration policy”, I wonder how many flip-flops were worn out? I can’t believe that folks who support you can’t see that you say something at one place and say a completely different thing, contradicting the first thing you said, at a different place and then go on to say the first thing at a totally different place. I am glad, at least, ANN COULTER had the temerity to criticize you on your softening stand on immigration (albeit, temporarily). Interpreting why she criticized can be material for a different TELLYOUWHAT. BTW, you didn’t have guts to openly say in Mexico what you have been delivering in front of your “captive” audiences! Enough Said!

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