You were the guy who was Mayor of New York City – a great achievement. While the 9/11 happened under your mayoralty, it certainly was not your fault. And I believe you showed good leadership in the aftermath of the horrific tragedy. And when it came to presidential aspirations, you tried your luck it seemed like, based on your popularity as America’s Mayor. I think so because you didn’t show much substance other than showing a one page tax plan that didn’t take you anywhere and you pretty much dropped off like a falling leaf in Fall. I understand, as a REPUBLICAN, you are up against anything the Democratic party and its leadership do. And I totally understand, you wouldn’t ever support HILLARY CLINTON. But TRUMP? It is hilarious that you support him. You seem like one of the few guys of any prominence that supports TRUMP along with SEAN HANNITY. How pathetic is that! You know why, this morning I heard you defending TRUMP’s violence based statements invoking the 2nd Amendment supporters directed at HILLARY CLINTON. You were rationalizing TRUMP’s speech as that related to getting the 2nd Amendment folks’ support for their votes. But TRUMP was referring to the post election scenario – does your mind work logically at all, Mayor Giuliani?